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Errors were determined from duplicate experiments by error propagation. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
The estimated error in Kd upon repeated measurements approximately 25% (standard error of the mean) EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Mean value of three independent measurements +- s.e. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Uncertainties represent standard deviation from regression analysis. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Data based upon five independent isotherms EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Data based upon three experiments EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
The standard error for some entries has been estimated where the values from the fitting procedure are unreasonably small. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Ka and delta H were obtainied from a non-linear regression fit to the isotherm and the error of these values were always less than 7% (n=4) and less than 4% (n=2). Where n is the assumed number of biniding sites. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
SBT binding was measured 3 times at 25C, other values are from single measurements. For most ligands, fitted errors in Kd, n, DH, DS, and DG values are less than or equal to 5, 2, 3, 5 and 5% respectively. For MT they are as high as 9, 11, 14, 30 and 11% EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Larger deviation estimates were obsereved for the halothane-HSA interaction. Because the number of sites for halothane has been reported as seven the data was refitted by fixing n = 7. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
In order to measure Kd values for tight binding inhibitors, acetyl pepstatin was used as a competition displacement ligand. Errors determined using non-linear least-squares analysis. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
In order to measure Kd values for tight binding inhibitors, acetyl pepstatin was used as a competition displacement ligand. Errors determined using non-linear least-squares analysis. Kd, G and -T.S represent upper limit values. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Errors reported were propagated from the errors of Ka and H, respectively. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Data were fitted to a model assuming one binding site. (Mean +/- S.D. n=3). EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
The uncertainties reported for Kb and Hb are the standard deviations from the average value, determined from at least two different titrations. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Errors represent standard deviations of three experiments. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Data are reported as the mean fro two separate titrations with +/- 1 standard deviation in parentheses. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT
Calorimetric parameters are reported as the mean value of at least two to three independent experiments, with the reported uncertainty typically being the standard deviation of multiple experiments. EXP_ERROR_DET_COMMENT